Encyclopedia of disaster

archive, documentary, fiction

As a civilization, we live in the illusion of control over what has been done to nature! In reality, we are a herd of insane who came to this planet by accident and from the beginning consuming. We are proud of science but there is no solution for how to dispose of nuclear waste. We believe in our logic but we created plastic soup and don't know how to fix it! The level of disasters is horrifying, but also the degree of human recklessness is impressive!

I come from the third generation of Luhansk inhabitants who worked in the heavy industries of Donbas. My whole family was involved in the production. The collapse of which was a tragedy for us as well. I grow up surrounded by the side effects of heavy industry. From yearly age, I heard stories about the experimental nuclear underground explosion or purple precipitation in winter. Back then it was the norm for me but later I realized the disaster of what was done and my family was a part of that process. As an artist, I was captivated by the shocking projects that were made during the Soviet regime.

In this project, I am connecting the story of the industrial region Donbas by collecting stories of abuse on the land.

The Hague/Luhansk, 2020 – on going